It's called the Formula for PE Success. Following Aimably's guidance, technical leaders gain in-depth knowledge of sources and levers of spend, and create roadmaps to financial results that bring the whole company success.
Let's TalkYou might be sitting at the table in the boardroom, but it feels like you might as well not be there. Your opinions aren't sought, and when you offer them they're ignored.
You spend the majority of your time trying to support employees who feed disenfranchised, while you're privately battling the same feelings.
Whether it's justifying the value of your employees or defending your technical initiatives, you haven't felt like you are leading in a long time.
Before private equity, the financial impacts of your technology decisions weren't relevant, because growth was the most important. Now, your decisions are under scrutiny.
We're here to help sure you understand how finances work, because we know they didn't teach this in your CS courses at school.
Blog Series: SaaS Finances 101Stop chasing requests and start delivering real data. Demonstrate a mastery over how your AWS, Azure or GCP spending relates to the business, and make sure critical decisions are made based on the facts.
Cloud Vendor Accounting SolutionsFor your next acquisition, understand the financial landscape of your technology responsibilities quickly. Develop a clear financial plan that's ready to execute before the deal closes.
Public Cloud Due Diligence SolutionsIdentify the easiest ways to bring down your cloud hosting spend, without taking on massive re-architecture projects. Prioritize work based on how quickly the changes will pay for themselves.
Public Cloud Cost Reduction ServiceThe role of the CTO in financial transformation can be powerful. Aimably's products and services make your opportunities clear.
Imagine the possibilities.
Save Money on Cloud Costs
Let Aimably build a custom, in-depth cost optimization roadmap that will generate real financial results, quickly
Evaluate Acquisition Targets' Spend
Use Aimably's technical and financial snapshot of a company's cloud footprint, specifically built for mergers & acquisitions
Master the Spending Statistics
Transform your infrastructure usage into meaningful business intelligence, analyzing anything from profitability of product lines or unit cost trends