Built to ensure that you and your team can know what you spent, why you spent it, and what you will spend tomorrow.
Aimably helps teams:
Quickly spot and remediate cost increases unrelated to customer usage. Aimably's Public Cloud Financial Analysis helps you isolate the cost per customer behavior unit, allowing you to track and confirm whether cost increases are actually due to load.
Evaluate technical costs in terms of profitability. Aimably's Public Cloud Financial Analysis helps you assign all of your cloud spend to business purposes, matching existing financial statements, so cost is always evaluated in the context of revenue.
Plan for the upcoming year with easy. Aimably's Public Cloud Financial Analysis ensures your historical spend can inform you future spend, allowing you to connect sales and usage predictions to projected AWS, Azure, or GCP bills.
Put the power in the hands of your leaders. With Aimably's Public Cloud Financial Analysis, all spend can be attributed back to the engineering team responsible. Give them the tools to track their spend and stay in budget.
Before private equity, the financial impacts of your technology decisions weren't relevant, because growth was the most important. Now, your decisions are under scrutiny.
We're here to help sure you understand how finances work, because we know they didn't teach this in your CS courses at school.
Blog Series: SaaS Finances 101