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Image of a meeting with two people facing each other. One is looking towards the camera and smiling.
Image of a meeting with two people facing each other. One is looking towards the camera and smiling.

Public Cloud Cost Reduction Service, by Aimably.

Built to deliver real financial results based on easy-to-execute recommendations.

Aimably helps teams:

  • Evaluate the efficiency of current cloud infrastructure
  • Understand the totality of savings available to a business
  • Measure cost and benefit before taking action
  • Discuss and evaluate options with full understanding
Let's Talk

Every leader needs to know the total scope of the savings available to your organization. Aimably's Public Cloud Cost Reduction Assessment for AWS, Azure, and GCP includes a detailed assessment of all technical and financial methods of cost savings. Receive a summary report, including range of potential savings and relative risk of executing each component task.

Illustration of Aimably AWS Cost Reduction summary report
Illustration of Aimably software with prioritized list of AWS cost reductions
Prioritized Recommendations

Spend time on the actions that will create the biggest impact. Aimably's Public Cloud Cost Reduction Assessment includes a list of the most important actions to take based on cost and benefit analysis, making sure your engineering team's effort is focused on generating business results.

Financial Models

Balance cash needs against total expense savings. Aimably's Public Cloud Cost Reduction Assessment models out the financial impact of each of your contract options, delivering the right data to your accounting team for informed decision-making.

Illustration of Aimably software analyzing cash vs expense savings for savings plans

Let us be your guide to financial transformation.

Before private equity, the financial impacts of your technology decisions weren't relevant, because growth was the most important. Now, your decisions are under scrutiny.

We're here to help sure you understand how finances work, because we know they didn't teach this in your CS courses at school.

Blog Series: SaaS Finances 101
Image of the interior of an office. Two people are looking at a laptop screen and discussing.

Today is your day.
Make an impact.

Let's Talk