
Let's get on each others' calendars.

Release Notes v2.2.0

Clear User Experience

Find What You Need, Logically

We’ve made a series of small changes to our page layout in order to facilitate easy usage and product navigation, as you move from AWS cost control activities to drill-down research. Included in these changes are:

Navigation Menu Permanence

As you navigate from section to section of Aimably, you can always see the main navigation and your current module is displayed as active.

Eliminated User Menu Redundancy

Previously, there had been two locations for user-related controls. We’ve consolidated to the user menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

Eliminated Accidental Navigation Menu Expand Behavior

We noticed that users were regularly clicking on the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen as a method of attempting to view the full navigation menu, however they were accidentally condensing or expanding the view of the menu at the same time. We’ve removed that accidental function and now allow our customers to expand or contract the navigation menu using the arrows at the bottom of the list.

Drill Down Detail by AWS Child Account

Screenshot of Aimably cost trends view with detailed trends broken out by member accounts in an AWS organization.
The new AWS Child Account drill-down functionality of the 60-day cost trend allows for cross-child account comparison.

Once we added AWS child accounts to our detailed daily and monthly email cost reports in addition to master account totals, this unlocked a wide range of analysis opportunities for engineering and finance leaders, depending on the organizational logic of the AWS account of the company. For our beta customers who divide out child accounts by business unit, this allowed for independent cost comparison across business units, properly attributing the right cost to the right income statement. For our beta customers who divide out child accounts by individual customer tenants, this allowed for a margin analysis for each customer, assuring the pricing strategy was well aligned.

Now that this information is available to you, we understand the need to dig in for richer data and understanding. Therefore, we’ve just added 60-Day Cost Trend graphs which are available after clicking into detail on the 60-Day Cost Trend on the Aimably Insight dashboard. Not only does this provide day-by-day detail on the child account level, but it allows you to compare activities across child accounts to ensure performance for each matches your expectations.

Additional Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Updated our AWS connection logic to the ‘Aimably’ name.
  • Updated primary color themes to match Aimably branding.
  • Moved BETA tag to cover the Aimably logo rather than the user image since Aimably is in Beta and you are not.
  • Changed many interface layouts from full-screen modal dialogs to pages.
  • Identified an issue where detailed cost breakdowns displayed graphs backward, with the most recent date first. Updated the graphs to display in the proper direction.
  • Identified an issue where GB of data were being reported in monthly emails as bytes. Updated to reflect accurate storage amounts.
  • Identified an issue where the AWS region map failed to update when regions were added or removed from an account. Updated the sync logic to update the map upon completion of sync.

Next, we’ll be undertaking more organizational changes for our navigation in alignment with our product module concepts. Do you have strong opinions about how best to navigate our product? Please submit your feedback to our team.

Release Notes