The release of Aimably v2.10.0 went live today, 12/20/2021. This release is what we deem perfective maintenance and represents our ongoing standard to fix issues or make smaller adjustments to the application to improve the user experience.

Slack Integration - Monthly Pulse Notifications
Aimably strives to have features in an ongoing evolution process. To that end, we have made an addition to our recently released Slack integration. Clients making use of the Slack integration are now receiving monthly Pulse notifications in addition to our daily notifications. Being able to identify both daily and monthly changes to your AWS costs has always been the core of our offering at Aimably. Being able to do that in a more synchronous and immediate way is helping empower you to stop wayward spending as soon as possible.
Additional Changes and Bug Fixes
As always all software has defects that need to be corrected on an ongoing basis. Here is a list of the bug fixes we have recently released.
- Minor changes to the Slack integration notifications were made to correct some issues in the unfurling of notifications as well as some remediation for links not working as intended and alerts. All issues have been corrected and the integration is functioning as intended. In addition, it was found that archived channels were being listed in the integration setup and this has been corrected.
- A small spelling error was located on the Cloud Credentials page and was corrected.
- An issue was found in the saving of Work Schedules. The issue was a display-only issue and did not affect the proper working of our schedules and has been corrected.
- An issue was found in the creation of new Aimably tenants where their company edition was not being set properly. This would cause clients to not be able to access certain new features in the menu system and has been corrected.
- An issue was reported where inactive users were still receiving notifications from AImably. This has been corrected and now only active users with valid email will receive notifications.
- Proactive measures were taken when we found some unusual errors in our logs during an AWS outrage in the US-East-1 region recently. We have taken measures to correct those as well as commit some additional improvements in the syncing process between Aimably and AWS.